We Think They Are Scary, But Really We Scare Them!
Mosters, Inc. : We Scare Because We Care
Since the very first bedtime, all around the world, children have known that once their mothers and fathers tuck them in, and shut off the light, that there are MONSTERS hiding in their closets, waiting to emerge! What they don't know is: it's nothing personal. It's just their job.
·片中Mike和Celia入住的酒店被取名为Harryhausen,这是对Ray Harryhausen的致敬。是他把定格动画拍摄技术运用在了“怪物动画”上,例如1963年的《杰逊王子战群妖》(Jason and the Argonauts)。在这个酒店的吧台后有一个六爪章鱼,也是对Ray Harryhausen的致敬,在1955年的《海底来物》(It Came from Beneath the Sea)中,Harryhausen第一次创造出了六爪章鱼。
·当Bolb怪物跌倒在街边时,街边有个名叫Gallerie du Dominique的商店,是以皮克斯艺术导演多米尼克·路易斯(Dominique Louis)的名字命名的。
·影片中,在Harryhausen酒店的寿司店里,无论是谁经过寿司店的大门,伙计都会喊到“get A paper bag”(请拿一个纸袋)。在日本,这是任何商店的伙计都必须喊的一句话,日本原文是“irasshaimase!”,而在片中沿袭日本习惯的影片还有1999年的《玩具总动员2》(Toy Story2)。